Informes financieros

Programa de incentivos a la calidad

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) has established a Quality Incentive Program to provide financial incentives. These are meant to reward exceptional CCO performance and continuous improvement that measures access, quality, and outcomes known to providers as “incentive metrics.” CCOs achieve financial rewards if they meet specific performance benchmarks or improvement targets. The funding for this program is from the Quality Pool.

The intent of this program is to reward CCOs for resultados, en vez de utilización de servicios. This stimulus is one of several strategies for achieving Oregon’s vision for better health, better care, and lower costs, while eliminating health inequities.

Plan de distribución de fondos del fondo de calidad

The Oregon Health Authority requires every coordinated care organization to create and make publicly available a written distribution plan for its Quality Pool and Challenge Pool earnings. The purpose of this plan is to inform the CCO’s providers and public health partners about CCO strategies and processes for distribution of the Quality Pool funds.

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