

A young child examines a monarch butterfly model.

Monarch on 4th Offers Hope & Rebirth


Learn how this community hub was created to provide birth-oriented services in Linn and Benton counties. It’s a space where counselors and peer wellness specialists can meet with clients, local organizations can hold meetings and classes, and pregnant people and families can receive food, clothing, diapers, and other essentials.

Colorful cartoon of a tiger in a train car.

Annual Well-child Visits Build a Healthy Future


Well-child visits are important for all children from birth to 18 years old. This visit allows the health care provider to track your child’s development and growth to ensure they are reaching all the milestones.

Día de los Muertos

Program Helps Build Community for Latino Population


Arcoíris Cultural started in January 2021 as a pilot project funded by IHN-CCO through its Delivery System Transformation (DST) Committee, focused on improving health equity and social determinants of health.

graphic with house, coins, calculator and clipboard.

Housing Support Coming in November


Health-related social need or HRSN housing needs coming in November. These are basic things people need to stay healthy, like housing, food and utilities.

Members of CHANCE (Communities Helping All Negotiate Change Effectively) Recovery's crisis team, (left to right) Gary Dees, Jon Phelps, Kristi Arnold and Amelia Wyckhuyse, are trained to help people experiencing a mental or physical health crisis. The Albany shelter received pilot funding from IHN-CCO's Delivery System Transformation Committee to create the crisis team.

Collaboration Closes Gaps in Emergency Response Services


Through a partnership with agencies in Benton, Lincoln and Linn counties, gaps in emergency response services have been identified and are being addressed by the Delivery System Transformation Committee of the InterCommunity Health Network Coordinated Care Organization.

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