Your Behavioral Health Benefits

Explore Your Coverage

Behavioral health services are available to all members, covering a  range of behaviors and conditions. This includes mental health, substance use disorders and problem gambling.

These services are covered when given by an in-network provider. For a full description of benefits and services available to you, read the IHN-CCO Member Handbook.

If you think you need a service that is listed in the handbook, you or your provider should contact us before the service is given.

Services listed in the Member Handbook are subject to the Prioritized List of Health Services and IHN-CCO and Oregon Health Plan rules. Benefits are subject to change.

2025 Member Handbook (English)
2025 Member Handbook (Español)

Prioritized List of Health Services

Crisis Hotlines

Learn about options and resources to help when you are experiencing a mental health crisis.

Find Behavioral Health Care

Looking for a local behavioral health treatment center covered by OHP/IHN-CCO network?

Getting Care

Our behavioral health treatment agencies are arranged below by county and then by city. You can call any of these agencies to make an appointment for routine services. You do not need a referral from a doctor or anyone else.

Contact us if you need help choosing an agency or want a list of providers at each agency.

Please have your IHN-CCO Member ID card with you when you call. The treatment agency will use the information on your ID card to check your eligibility. You will also be asked for the name of the city or county where you live. This is so we can find an office close to you. We may also ask for basic information about your needs and concerns. We may ask your age or whether you have any special needs.

We may ask if you have been to any of our agencies in the past. This information will help us decide which agency may best meet your needs.

Important: Always bring your IHN-CCO Member ID card with you to each appointment.

Behavioral Health Treatment Agencies

Linn County Mental Health Services — Adult Outpatient Program

Office location: 445 3rd Ave SW, Albany, OR 97321
Phone: 541-967-3866
Toll-Free: 800-304-7468
TTY/TTD: 800-735-2900
Send mail to: P.O. Box 1, Albany, OR 97321
Information: Services are for adults 18 years and older. Services are available in English and Spanish; services in other languages are available – we will provide a free interpreter.
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday.
Visit their website.

Linn County Mental Health Services — Children’s Outpatient Program

Office location: 445 3rd Ave SW, Albany, OR 97321
Phone: 541-967-3866
Toll-Free: 800-304-7468
TTY/TTD: 800-735-2900
Send mail to: P.O. Box 1, Albany, OR 97321
Information: Services are for children and youth up to 18 years old. Services are available in English and Spanish; services in other languages are available – we will provide a free interpreter.
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 8:30 7 p.m. on Tuesday.
Visit their website.

Linn County Mental Health Services — Community Support Services & Crisis Team

Office location: 445 3rd Ave SW, Albany, OR 97321
Phone: 541-967-3866
Toll-Free: 800-304-7468
TTY/TTD: 800-735-2900
Information: Community Support Services are available for adults 18 years and older with serious mental illness. Crisis Team walk-in services are for children, youth and adults. Services are available in English and Spanish; services in other languages are available – we will provide a free interpreter.
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday.
Visit Community Support Services.
Visit Crisis Services.

Benton County Mental Health

Office location: 530 NW 27th Street, Corvallis, OR 97339
Phone: 541-766-6835
Fax: 541-766-6164
Information: Services are for children, youth and adults. Services are available in English and Spanish; services in other languages are available – we will provide a free interpreter upon request. Sometimes evening may be available for non-routine family meetings.
Office hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday through Friday.
Visit their website.

Samaritan Mental Health – Circle Blvd.

Office location: 1112 NW Circle Blvd, Corvallis, OR 97330-1462
Phone: 541-768-7155
Fax: 541-636-0032
Information: Services are for children, adolescents and families. Services are available in English and Spanish; services in other languages are available – we will provide a free interpreter upon request.
Office hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday through Friday, after hours by appointment.
Visit their website.

Linn County Mental Health Services

Office location: 1600 S. Main, Lebanon, OR 97355
Oregon Relay TTY or Voice: 711
Information: Services are available for children, youth and adults. Services are available in English and Spanish; services in other languages are available – we will provide a free interpreter.
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, closed from Noon to 1 p.m.
Visit their website.

Lincoln County Mental Health

Office location: 4422 NE Devils Lake Blvd, Suite 2, Lincoln City, OR 97367 
Phone: 541-994-1882
Information: Services are for children, youth and adults. Services are available in English and Spanish; services in other languages are available – we will provide a free interpreter upon request. Sometimes evening may be available for non-routine family meetings.
Office hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday through Friday.
Visit their website.

Lincoln County Mental Health

Office location: 36 SW Nye Street, Newport, OR 97365
Phone: 541-265-4179
Information: Services are for children, youth and adults. Services are available in English and Spanish; services in other languages are available – we will provide a free interpreter upon request. Sometimes evening may be available for non-routine family meetings. 
Office hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday through Friday.
Visit their website.

Linn County Mental Health Services

Office location: 799 E. Long St., Sweet Home, OR 97386
Phone: 541-367-3888
Toll-Free: 800-920-7571
Oregon Relay TTY or Voice: 711
Information: Services are for children, youth and adults. Services are available in English and Spanish; services in other languages are available – we will provide a free interpreter.
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Closed on Fridays (call Lebanon office above). Closed from Noon to 1 p.m., Monday through Thursday.
Visit their website.

Behavioral Health Emergencies & Crises

A mental health emergency is feeling or acting out of control, or a situation that might harm you or someone else. Get help right away; do not wait until there is real danger. Call the Crisis Hotline listed below, call 911, or go to the emergency room, or other place that can treat emergencies. Care for behavioral health emergencies do not require prior approval anywhere in the United States.

If you already have a provider, they will tell you how to reach them during a mental health crisis. If you are having a crisis, follow the plan you made with your provider.

If you do not have a provider, or cannot reach your provider, call the number below for your county or contact us. Tell the person who answers that you are having a mental health crisis. You will be connected to a local crisis service worker as soon as possible. The crisis worker will talk with you to help decide the best way to handle the crisis. Tell them about your OHP insurance as soon as you can.

There are times when you must call 911 in an emergency. A ride to the hospital in an ambulance is covered without prior approval if it is an emergency.

Benton CountyPhone: 888-232-7192
Lincoln CountyPhone: 866-266-0288
Linn CountyPhone: 800-304-7468

Statewide Peer-run Warm Line

This Warm Line is a telephone support service designed and provided by people who have had challenges in mental health. They are able to support their peers who are struggling with a variety of mental health issues, who are having huge and painful feelings. Sometimes people just need a friendly person to listen and care about what they are going through. Peer counselors are available free to all Oregon residents.

Call 800-698-2392 to talk to a peer counselor.

For more information about the Warm Line and when you can call them, visit the Warm Line’s website or contact Customer Service.

Declaration for Mental Health Treatment

Oregon has a form for writing down your wishes for mental health care if you have a mental health crisis, or if for some reason you can’t make decisions about your mental health treatment. The form is called the Declaration for Mental Health Treatment. You can complete it while you can still understand and make decisions about your care. The Declaration for Mental Health treatment tells what kind of care you want if you ever need that kind of care but are unable to make your wishes known. Only a court and two doctors can decide if you are not able to make decisions about your health care.

For more information on the Declaration for Mental Health Treatment go to the State of Oregon’s website. If your provider does not follow your wishes as stated in your Declaration for Mental Health Treatment, you can complain with a complaint intake form.

Send your complaint to:
Health Care Regulation and Quality Improvement, 800 NE Oregon St. #305, Portland, OR 97232
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 971-673-0556
Phone: 971-673-0540, (TTY 971-673-0372)

Children’s Mental Health Services

Children with behavioral challenges are served through wraparound or intensive care coordination. Intensive care coordination services are specific to the child’s and family’s needs. System of care and wraparound planning involves people in the child’s life – schools, community organizations, doctors, criminal justice and others – in forming a team around the child and family to plan supportive services.

If you think your family could gain from these services, please call your county mental health program. They will decide if your child is eligible.

Contact Your Mental Health Program

Adult Mental Health Services

Choice Model services coordinate care for adults with serious mental illness when they leave the Oregon State Hospital to live in the community. The Choice Model helps released clients get the community services they need. This could be outpatient or residential treatment, adult foster care, or living in a supported apartment. The goal is to avoid going back to the state hospital.

Forms & Downloads

Here are a few forms you or your provider may need. These forms relate to your medical coverage:

Primary Care Provider (PCP) Change Card (English)
Primary Care Provider (PCP) Change Card (Español)
Choose or change your primary care provider by filling out this card and mailing it to us.
Prior Authorization Request Form (English)This form is for your provider. It is used to request an approval, or prior authorization, for medical services.
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