Regional Health Assessment

The Partnership for Community Health conducted this Regional Health Assessment to better understand the health-related issues affecting the Benton, Lincoln and Linn region. This report includes data from a variety of local, state and national data sources including both secondary data (surveys and data collection systems reported publicly) and primary data (new data collected from our community specifically for this assessment).

In the 2022 County Health Rankings, Benton County ranked first among Oregon counties for health outcomes (including measures of length of life and quality of life) and second for health factors (including health behaviors, clinical care, social and economic factors and physical environment).Linn County was ranked in the middle of the 35 Oregon counties that received a ranking (16 for health outcomes and 17 for health factors) while Lincoln County ranked 27 for health outcomes and 33 for health factors. These summary rankings highlight the variability within the Benton, Lincoln and Linn region as well as the potential opportunities to improve community health.
After a thorough review of available secondary data sources and gathering input from community members via a variety of primary data collection activities, the following key themes emerged.

Key Health Themes from the 2022 – 2026 Regional Health Assessment

Access to Affordable Housing & Homelessness 

High prevalence of homelessness and financial burden due to housing costs.  

Access to Quality Care

Inadequate access to primary care physicians, behavioral health providers and dentists.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Minoritized racial and ethnic groups and people living with disabilities (and likely other vulnerable populations not adequately identified in available data) experience more challenges than able-bodied white individuals.

Food Insecurity & Access

High rates of food insecurity and limited access to grocery stores.

Healthy Youth & Families

Teen pregnancy, prenatal tobacco use, child abuse and high number of children in foster care.

Mental Health 

High rates of depression and suicide; high rates of feeling sad or hopeless among high school students.

Substance Use & Misuse

Drug overdoses; teen use of e-cigarettes, alcohol and prescription drugs.

Read the 2022-2026 Regional Health Assessment

The 2022 – 2026 Linn, Benton, and Lincoln County Regional Health Assessment (RHA) is the result of many dedicated hours of research and collaboration between the Partnership for Community Health and agencies, leaders and local residents across all three counties.

This comprehensive (133 page) report is focused on describing the health trends, environmental conditions and disparities affecting residents. Assessing health status and risk factors is key for recognizing health status trends, informing plans for community health improvement and aligning priorities among regional stakeholders. The assessment helps to reveal that health starts long before illness occurs and is impacted by where and how we live, learn, work and play.

To receive the Regional Health Assessment in other languages or formats please contact [email protected].

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