
Get a Ride

We can help if you don’t have a way to get to your doctor, dentist or counselor appointments and in some emergencies, to a pharmacy. This service is available at no cost to you. If you need help getting to your appointments or to other OHP-covered services, please call Cascade West Ride Line. Cascade West Ride Line may give you a bus ticket or taxi fare. Or they may pay for gas for you, a family member or friend to drive you. If you must travel overnight for approved services, we can help pay for food and lodging.

If you need to schedule a ride, please call Cascade West Ride Line Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 541-924-8738, toll-free 866-724-2975, TTY 711.

  • Last and first name.
  • Date and time of appointment.
  • Address of facility.
  • Reason and duration for appointment.

Non-emergent Medical Transportation (NEMT) Program (English) or (Español).

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