IHN-CCO’s Provider Directory to help you find in-network providers covered by your plan.
Search our directories to find an urgent care, walk-in, pediatric, or mental health clinic near you. Local hospitals are included.
Get tips for searching the Provider Directory.
Picking your primary care physician for the first time? Changing providers? Need to find a specialty provider or dentist? We can help.
IHN-CCO will help you choose a primary care provider (PCP) or change your PCP if one has already been assigned to you. Make sure that you tell us if you are getting medical services that you need to continue. IHN-CCO doesn’t limit the PCP you choose, as long as they are in IHN-CCO’s provider network and accepting new patients. Search the provider directory for an In-Network PCP, or you can contact us.
Teladoc is a telehealth service. It is available every day of the year, 24 hours a day, for members. It provides on-demand health care, including video visits, from a website or mobile app.
Teladoc is an option to get more immediate care when you are out of town or your primary care provider may not be available. Teladoc visits are free.
Teladoc providers can diagnose, treat and prescribe medication for non-emergency conditions. These include treatments for the flu, sore throats, eye infections, bronchitis and much more.
Set up your account today!
Go to teladoc.com. First-time users will need to set up an account. You can follow the step-by-step directions on the website.
You can also call Teladoc at 800-TELADOC(800-835-2362), (TTY 855-636-1578).
When you have health questions, the Nurse Advice Line is available 24/7 to help you – as a service to IHN-CCO members.
Call 844-219-3816, (TTY 800-735-2900).For emergencies, call 911 immediately.
IHN-CCO has traditional health workers that can help provide resources and education, and work with you on what you need. Learn more about what a traditional health worker does and how this type of provider can help you.
IHN-CCO currently partners with four dental plans. You may call a plan or search the Samaritan Health Plans Provider Directory for IHN-CCO dental providers:
IHN-CCO has a national network of contracted pharmacies. Most major chain pharmacies and many independently-owned pharmacies are contracted with IHN-CCO and can fill prescriptions for our members.
It’s best to call us if you want to choose or change your primary care provider (PCP) or dental plan. Our Customer Service can be reached Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call us at 541-768-7863, or 866-203-3435 (TTY 800-735-2900 or 711) or complete and return these quick forms:
Primary Care Provider (PCP) Change Card (English)Primary Care Provider (PCP) Change Card (Español)
Dental Plan Choice Card (English)Dental Plan Choice Card (Español)
IHN-CCO offers many special services to help you find and receive care.